From time to time the idea of splitting California into two or more states is floated out. This is precipitated by the sheer size and population of our state and its wide diversity of cultures and geography, as well as its problems.
There was discussion about California’s boundaries at the time of the founding of the state in 1849-50, just before the time of the Civil War, on up to as recently as last year when a Riverside County Supervisor again proposed dividing the state into two.
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A useful discussion of how states get split up, written by Michael Warnken at California Political Review, may be found at
Sometimes a proposal is for our state to become two separate states, as discussed here:
while for others, three is the magic number, as described here:
For a proposal to join up parts of northern California with southern Oregon to form a new state called Jefferson State go here:
Perhaps California was just too big and beautiful to begin with for its own good!