By Todd Juvinall
Just as we saw the Occupy Whatever moment quickly fade into the sunset, the liberal firestorm against Rush Limbaugh will fade out too. Why do I say that? Because both strategies are not real. They are contrived and being used by misguided people, manipulated by the big money of people like Georgie Soros and the Media Matters website and a few others
Americans like Rush Limbaugh. He does make some people mad and he is certainly full of himself. He has had his ups and downs but he is smart. Sure I and most people would have used different terms to describe the request by Ms. Fluke to the democrat press conference (a fake Congressional Hearing) regarding her concern she and like minded young women could not afford the three thousand dollars worth of contraceptives required over their schooling years. I would not have called her a term Rush used and he actually apologized last Saturday to her for calling her a naughty name.
The left won't let up though. They want to boycott Rush. They are calling the advertisers and radio stations to try and convince them to bail on Rush, thereby hurting his ability to maintain his radio program. Well, it won't work. It won't work in my view because Americans by the millions listen to him and when that takes place, businesses want to advertise there. Remember SNAPPLE? It was made famous and rich because they decided to advertise on his show. Thousands of jobs were created and many people grew rich. That is the American way. Boycotts may work on a bus line but not on something like radio, a successful in dollars radio.
Even our local KNCO has been robo-called by the left to drop Rush. Well, if a radio station is a venue of free speech it would seem ridiculous to me to practice anything else. How do people who exist on free speech convince us they will censor free speech? Many of the liberals complaining probably shop down at Costco anyway. They don't spend their money here. Heck I heard they are trying to boycott SPD since they advertise on KNCO and their ads sometimes air on Limbaugh's three hours. SPD is one of the most generous businesses to causes here in Nevada County. The left wants to boycott them then perhaps they can go buy what SPD donates. Unintended consequence's of leftwing hate mongers.
KNCO should resist the vocal left. They are usually loud for a short time then they tire and go back to gardening. The people that actually make the nation work and the city and county work are not these vocal leftwingers. The businesses I have spoken with said yeah, Rush used the incorrect term but he apologized, let us move on. Just as the left moved on from Ed Schultz and Bill Maher, icons of leftwing TV and radio when they both called Ann Coulter, Sarah Palin and Michelle Malkin the nastiest anti woman names. I don't recall the right boycotting them. I recall the right saying let us fight these liberals nasty words with free speech, not boycott.
That is the difference between the left and right in America as I have discovered over the years. The left wants to shut you up, run you our of town and punish you for eternity. The right says more speech. More speech is the American way.