By Todd Juvinall
The reason this issue is being defended by me and many other conservatives across America is it is a fundamental rights issue and it is under attack by the democrats and their sub-group, the extremist liberals. Sure, we have all said Rush Limbaugh should not have called Ms. Fluke what he did and so he apologized. We thought the left, those who defended Client #9 (a number of anonymity given by his escort service), Governor Elliot Spitzer, would say OK, Rush apologized like Spitzer, let's move on.
Well, no. The Spitzer denigration of women, his wife and his children, was forgiven by the left since he too was a liberal. Rush is not to be forgiven and he is to be driven from the airwaves, no forgiveness by the liberals for Rush. The democrats are trying to use the boycott as well. Attack the sponsors who have ads and get them to bail. Some have. But ABC News, a leftwing network, we call it a Obama Channel, as well as democrats at all levels in America are after Rush's advertisers and they are spreading lies about the number. I saw a local democrat controlled blog state there were 28 or 32 advertisers that have departed. I had not heard that so after some research I concluded there were about ten at the national level and maybe 18 at the local level. The boycotters are trying to convince us they are all national level advertisers.
Even here in little old Nevada County, the democrat Central Committee, composed of some very extreme leftists, has begun circulating petitions to get KNCO to dump Rush. Today Tom Fitzsimmons of KNCO had a three hour two way caller show in place of Rush so he could get a feel for how the community was reacting. It appeared to me the people want Rush left alone. They like him (not Tom's wife however). The left doesn't but we knew that anyway. But interestingly, the democrats have not thought this out very well in their emotional reaction and in the opening they feel Rush is vulnerable about.
KNCO, SPD and other targets of the democrats are community assets and both contribute too many events here. Many of those events are democrat events/ What will they do now if the democrats are successful? Unintended consequences will rear its head. It won't be pretty. I was pleased to listen to many women call in and support Rush as well. Of curse, the left would nake you think he is despised by all women but it is not true at all. The Democrat Central Committee members, the real extreme radical left of our community, many are "Occupiers", are behind this dissension in our county. Tell them you don't agree, don't let them intimidate you. Stand up for free speech.
HERE is Rush Limbaugh's explanation about the lies being told by the democrats on the advertisers. He already has replaced some and one wants, actually is begging, to come back. America, you just have to love it!