From the UK Telegraph, the full article is HERE
"The conservative American journalist, author and blogger Andrew Breitbart died in Los Angeles of natural causes on Thursday morning, according to an announcement posted on his Big Journalism website. He was 43 years old."
I am in total shock. While at the ERC meeting this morning, Greg Marks, Representative for Assemblyman Dan Logue told me Andrew had died. Both of us were in instant mourning. I have followed Andrew since I started paying attention to to the Obama ACORN scandals. We all remember him sending into the lions den those two brave people to expose the illegal activities of Obama's ACORN buddies. Andrew's hard work and bravery caused the political class to boot the ACORN scofflaws from the pubic dole.
I am listening to Tom Sullivan as I write this and he just had a call from a liberal who was applauding the death of Breitbart. Those liberals are truly disgusting. he left just can't handle the exposure of their vacuous idea logy to the light of day. We see how the left has no respect even for the dead. Shame on you!
Breitbart started with Drudge and ended his tenure here on earth as one of the foremost people exposing the lies of the left and their hypocrisy. The left is celebrating his death while true American Patriots are mourning his death.R.I.P Andrew Breitbart, you will be sorely missed by the those of us who respected your truth telling.