I was emailed by someone who reviews the different leftwing blog sites for content and that person has finally been bored into a bag. The left is so predictable and uneducated in life the person told me, that they have driven into a ditch and can't get out. I must say I have to agree.
While people on the right are working and supporting themselves and their families with legitimate endeavors, these posters on the lefty sites are busy sitting in front of their computer screens (probably donated by a non-profit) and spewing ridiculous tripe all day long. Now, I really don't care what these scofflaws have to say other than they could be affecting the young people who are still naive. What makes these leftwing folks tick? A government check it appears.
One half of Americans receive some form of money from the government and my guess is these local bloggers and posters (they all appear to be undr 60) are part of that 50%. How else could one explain their comments attacking business, entrepreneurs and non-union companies? When I listen to them at the podium in Congress or the lectern in Sacramento, I am struck by thew nastiness they exhibit against the people who truly make America work and who employ the folks. These lefty bloggers and their heroes trash America at every turn, they have nothing to say other than screeching against our system. Where in the heck did their standard of living come from? Did it get created out of thin air? No, people who DO made it possible for these ingrates to have an IPOD, a big screen and even a loaf of bread.
What is this self hatred I continually hear from these people. Anyone who achieves other than their friends the regulators) are the targets of their hate and nasty words. How did America's left get so mean? I think it is envy. Some posters on leftwing blogs must be leading some very sad lives. Simply to be born into America is a lottery win yet these people just complain constantly. America is bad, corporations are bad, taxes are good (as long as they are exempt) . Please people on the left, you need to get a life. America is better, much better, perhaps the greatest, yes the greatest, country the earth has ever seen. You all need to get on board the train of positive. We will welcome you if you want to change your ways and your views to reflect the good of our country. Come over and try it. It is cathartic! Even your health will improve.
Charlotte Allen has a insightful in the LA Times on her exoeriences trying to talk to liberals. Tittled:
Conservatives vs. liberals
Debating a liberal is maddening: They think conservatives are evil, while we think they're silly.
You hav to read her article, it is so true! HERE is the whole thing.