This is a very good year for American politics. Starting last year and ending the other night on the CNN debate, the American people get to see how we choose folks to govern us at the Presidential level. We get to listen to how smart or dumb, how glib or boring, how each candidates ideas are workable or not. Then we get to hear about all the warts as well. The only downside I see to the process now is it has become a bad version of the "Jerry Springer" show. Warts are on every Americans noses yet somehow the imperious press, those "journalists" of piety and impeccable social credentials, get to write story after story on our candidates.
I have to say though, no matter how many warts we see and hear about our candidates I believe any of them is more capable of governing the country than the present occupant of the White House. Romney with his private sector expertise, Gingrich and his ideas and common sense, Paul with his monetary and Constitutional postilions and Santorum with his common sense and passion. All would take America back to the future, all would inject pride in America again. Obama's worldwide continuous apologies would end and Americans could once again pursue greatness.
South Carolinians will decide today who they believe will be the best candidate. Then on to other states. The primary process allows those that pay attention a look at the so-called, sausage making of a campaign. I think it is a healthy thing for our form of governance but it has been wrecked to a degree by the Obama lovers in the mainstream press. We still do not know what Obama's dissertation atHarvard says. We don't know his grades, his girlfriends (if any) and many other personal issues the lamestream press is exposing on the Republican side. Hell, we get to hear once again the ex-wife of Newt Gingrich spew her vile and the place Romney stores some of his hard earned money! We haven't seen the medical records of Obama to the degree we saw Bush and Reagan's.
The press has made a mockery of the process because they are slobbering all over themselves in their pursuit of Republican warts and their bias against doing the same on the left. It seems all the way down the tickets the left gets a pass by the alphabet networks. Remember Boxer writing bouncy checks in the House Post Office? How about the very questionable land deals done by Harry Reid and Obama and Tony Resco? Or maybe the business dealings of Dianne Feinstein and her husband regarding land in California owned by the feds? Maybe Maxine Waters making decisions benefiting the banking interests of her husband? On and on. Yet we know that Newt's second wife claims he asked for an "open marriage"!
What is good for one should be good for all if the press was doing their job. Yet, today, the Republican voters of South Carolina will turnout and do the very thing I think the press is trying to suppress, the vote. The press and their democrat allies (journalists are 93% democrats apparently) have claimed the Republicans are trying to suppress voting by asking for an ID at the polling place. Democrats must produce one in their union elections but to ask for one to ensure the veracity of the public vote is somehow a suppression. No, the voter suppression is in my view being done by the democrats and their press lackeys. Trashing every aspect of one party's candidates to demoralize their voters is the true voter suppression in America. I thank GOD for the internet and FOX TV and talk radio for at least giving the hegemonoc national media outlets a balance view. GO VOTERS!