Ever wonder how two people can be so opposite in their beliefs about the same issue? I have no doubt this has been the case since humans began to discuss important things like, what part of the rabbit should we eat first while standing in front of the cave. Then of course we have the differences between men and women. No one understands it but every person lives it.
Politics in America has always been a blood sport and ever since Thomas Paine wrote his scathing screeds about the king and men's rights, we have been jousting back and forth. Who ever had the last, best argument usually won the prize. The prize being who would be in charge for some length of time. In our country, two or four years seems to be the prize.
Then there have been the critics, the lazy people who sit on the sidelines and snipe at the doers. This seems to have become a way f life in America in the last 40 years or so. I think it became a sport during the Watergate fiasco of the 70's. Before the Nixon years, the press, the three networks and the print media, were carefully in allegiance with the powers that be and many scandals never met the light of day. Remember John F. Kennedy? After Nixon, everything changed and anyone wishing to run for the power was given an endless anal exam. This was SOP for Republicans and conservatives since the media is 90% democrat and liberal. The R's were their natural enemy and over time a great divide became even greater.
Politics was now a "sport", at least from the critics point of view and the conservatives were the recipients of their derision and ire. This was reflected in the 40 years of democrat hegemony in the House of Representatives, finally broken by Newt Gingrich and the R's in 1994. Of course there was also Rush Limbaugh, the lone Conservative voice on radio. But when the R's won the HOR, I watched the venom and ire and all the nasty things the democrats were spewing at them. I recall Congressman George Miller at the House dais calling the newly seated R's nazis! That was the beginning of the super heated dislike between the left and the right.
About that time we had the General Plan and zoning of the county going on. I attended most of the meetings and spoke at many of them. I got to hear first hand the lefts dislike for private property rights and the nasty things they would say about those wishing to use their own property. It went on for years here and helped make the divide between those that do and those that don't ever greater. Our little county seemed to be on the front lines of the battle between the left and the right and there were many casualties.
Then along came the internet and later "blogging". Anyone could join the battle and with 24/7 cable news and the explosion od Conservative talk radio, the left in America now had competition in the battle of ideas. The left doesn't like competition though and the battles turned really nasty. Many on the right were accused of the most terrible things. The left called them homophobes for opposing homosexual marriage, racists if the right opposed a black Presidents policies, bigots if the right said Christianity was the basis for our laws and our country's origins. Every issue was another way for the left to attack in disingenuous ways and words the opposition.
When those on the right started to give back the true facts and show the world the Lefts strategy to silence them, the left went ballistic! I could not believe how they doubled down on the lies and venom they spewed but they did and do. We see it every day. The left dishes out their lies, like "global warming" caused by man, and if you disagree with the lie a man who would have been President gets on the worlds stage and calls those who disagree the same as perpetrators od a "holocaust"! Well, that kind of rhetoric keeps fuel on the fire of the divide.
Here in our county we have settled down into a semi truce. I think it is because we are all getting older and less strident. I also think a lot of the goals of the left have been realized and they are now sitting back and reaping the rewards of their Pyrrhic victories. The left has received hundreds of billions of tax dollars to come up with ways to help their brethren in our government to regulate the rest of us into impotence. Kind of amazing how that has happened. Small non-profits convince the leaders to pass a law, then they get grants of tax money to further more laws to regulate their outrage de jour and on and on. Soon those non-profits are making millions and are desperate to find more topics to keep things stirred up to raise more money!
This keeps the battle going between, mainly two political philosophies. The right says get off my back and let me alone to blossom, the left says we want to make sure your blossom doesn't contain any herbicides so we will fee you and inspect you to insure that! Then we have the self proclaimed "middle of the roaders" who flip and flop depending on the issues. Those people are actually the "self righteous" since they claim to have no allegiance to either side. I laugh at that claim though since the MOTR folks mostly side with the left. But, they are self delusional, they have decided they are above the fray and would not demean themselves to actually stand up for something. Cartoonists seem to be this kind of hypocrite in the battle f ideas.
America and the future of America are at risk as they have never been before. We see the Power shove thousands of more regulations and laws into he lives of us all. How is this possible? It is because the divide between us is so great it must be a DNA issue since it really makes no sense. The left must have a DNA motor in them that wishes to tell others how to live their lives. This is overarching. The right lacks that DNA motor and tries to live an independent life of liberty and freedom from the "controllers".
This battle will have a conclusion at some point. When every American finally realizes they are now breaking some laws by simply getting out of bed in the morning perhaps that will spur them to action. There are true "patriots" in our country who are trying to make things better and stop the onslaught of the left. That is the battle and our country is the battlefield. Let's hope liberty wins.
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