Ever since I started paying attention to politics about the year 1978 or so, I have generated a cadre of leftwing critics. I have been a fairly outspoken fellow over they years since it appears the mute don't accomplish much. This personality trait was probably a DNA issue from my father's father. He was a man who had no use for silence when he saw something wrong in the body politic. He had an opinion on just about every politician and government program. Growing up at the Juvinall compound on Highland Drive I became accustomed to his views and his style. Grandpa was a WW1 vet who served in France.
When I did jump into local politics in 1978, the "no-growth" people were trying to limit building permits to 100 per year for the county and had qualified two ballot initiatives to accomplish their aims. I, along with many other locals came together to fight this and we were victorious by a huge margin. What I learned then was the world belongs to those that show up, the left will attack you relentlessly (to keep you from showing up), they will lie and make up stories about you and will pick on your kids. They also try to run you out of town even though it is the town you were born and raised in. The battle between the newcomers and the oldtimers was beginning. (even though we natives welcomed them)
After running twice and winning for the the office of County Supervisor, I can tell you the left just can't help themselves when it comes to lying about those they dislike. My position has always been a Constitutional, Bill of Rights kind of position, presently mirrored by the issues the Tea Party espouses. I don't belong to their organization but they sure have a handle on what is right and wrong with the government. I found that over the years, the left is always there, they never give up their desire to control. They are very patient and we have seen the results of there dreams in our lives.
They have grown the government so much that every American in some way is now a lawbreaker. There is a complex set of rules, modified and added to every year by do-gooders or busybodies in our government that is is almost impossible to do anything without their permission. And you have to pay a fee for that permission. I have tried over the years to alert the folks to this growing monster of government and its regulations but those on the left knew they could accomplish their wishes with the old "boiling a frog" strategy. They have done their job so well the country and our once great state has been brought to the brink of the apocalypse.
One small example of the changs the kids under the dome in Sacramento had to do with volunteer fire departments. Nevada County had a number of districts manned by men and some women, who wanted to help their neighbors by being there to fight a fire or provide emergency help when someone had a incident. In the mid 80's the state started changing the requirements and made these volunteers start getting more and more professional training. That grew and grew (mainly through the demise of the "good Samaritan" laws, to become a feat impossible for a carpenter or a schoolteacher to meet. So, the state has over time gone to paid members and the once energetic people who helped their neighbors has been diminished to almost nothing. Budgets grew to pay the firefighters and the EMT's and paramedics and the training requirements have been so stringent no volunteer can meet them. We now have major budget issues in that part of our county life.
That is one example and there are thousands. All cost money and all diminish personal freedoms in some way. I usually spoke up and tried to alert people to these problems I could see coming down the pike. Most of the time the powers that be would not listen and over time I was sad to see I was right in my predictions. Of course during those times people that took a position against some of these things were branded as "that busy body, loudmouth, activists or right-wing extremist". The critics always try to marginalize those who disagree when it comes from the right. The press was usually a willing critic as well and we can see that today in their love of Obama.
Well, because I was not a wallflower I did become a constant target of these leftwing carpers. They even created a play and had me as a character of evil when they ran it at the Nevada Theater twenty years ago. When I created CABPRO in 1993 the local press editor had a personal problem with me and made my attempts to make CABPRO something good into something bad. I shook my head that a organization created t keep government overreach in check would be viewed by the very institution in our First Amendment that was supposed to actually do it. All because f a personal dislike. I learned a lot.
Today I still have some carpers but they are like little flies you have to shoo away. Some even draw cartoons of me, I am honored. Some write lengthy articles about how they want me to be and how I am supposed to act and what I should do and believe. They are the true busybodies of the planet. I was taught early on that people are who they are and probably won't change much, even though the left in this case wants them to change. I say to them,look in the mirror if you dare, get your mind right, your weight down and take a nice pill, then maybe I and folks like me will listen. Well, maybe not.
Now in 2012, I am still dealing with the carpers and it is usually becasue they are simply jealous. I just can't understand how a warm and fuzzy person like me, a fellow who pets animals and loves my little grankids, could be so misinterpeted by these liberals. Of course that is sarcasm, but it makes the point that no matter how well intentioned a person on the right is the left will attack and make itr personal. I am a fact seeker and when I am attacked I ususally fight back with the facts. The left fights with emotions. It is the classic struggle between the sides and I am right there in the thick of it. More to come.