by Judi Caler
“Brave New World” and “1984” have arrived with a vengeance.
What exactly is UN Agenda 21? It is a purposely complicated, diabolical plan of action to impose a one-world government through the United Nations, and it necessarily shreds our Constitution in the process. Words are turned inside out to disguise their true intent. For example, “social justice” means socialism/redistribute the wealth; “sustainable” means government approved; “consensus” means stifled dissent; and “the common good” means individuals have no rights.
Agenda 21 targets private property rights; and with these rights, our liberty. You may have noticed the many tentacles taking a stranglehold on our freedoms lately: businesses regulated and taxed out of existence, government land grabs of rural areas and wildlands, turning off the water to California farmers to protect a 2-inch fish and endangering our food supply, talk of high speed rail servicing “sustainable” communities, super government agencies replacing local redevelopment agencies, unelected agencies (CARB) making decisions without citizen involvement, the White House dictating to Boeing where it can operate, Obamacare, all-pervading smart meters, and even consideration of laws to take obese children away from their parents! Agenda 21 is all this and more. You can get an idea of its enormous scope by googling “agenda 21.”
Agenda 21 was adopted by the United Nations in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro at its Earth Summit, a conference unprecedented in size and scope. The conference was attended by 35,000 government officials, diplomats, non-government organizations (NGOs), activists and journalists. Agenda 21 is a plan by global elite to create a one-world government. It is real and no longer operating in secret. In signing, each nation pledged to adopt the goals of Agenda 21. President George H.W. Bush signed for the U.S., and representatives of 177 other countries signed as well. In 1993 President Bill Clinton signed Executive Order #12858, creating the President’s Council on Sustainable Development to carry out Agenda 21 in the U.S.
Recommendations from Agenda 21 are being implemented without the benefit of public debate by elected officials. Though many communities do not recognize it as such, a well-coordinated national effort is underway to transform America to conform to the principles set forth in Agenda 21.
This is a complicated subject because the UN has successfully intertwined its resources and regulations into every facet of life on this planet. Its tentacles are disguised as peacekeeping, food programs, free trade, economic development, climate control, etc. “Global warming” and “the environment” are used to attract unsuspecting supporters to their anti-humanity agenda. This isn’t about the environment; it’s about control.
The elite’s utopian vision includes an end to private property, meaning our land, cars, bank accounts, inheritance, etc; stack-and-pack housing in “human settlement” zones – high-rise cubicles from which we can hop onto high speed rail to get to an assigned job (“livable communities”); open space reserved for wilderness—off limits to us peons; population control, and a new currency system possibly based on our money being replaced by energy certificates that expire. Carbon credits, anyone? Loss of private property rights, loss of freedom and totalitarianism never end well. George Soros, Al Gore, and the rest of the global elite will have their perfect world, the rest of us be damned.
ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) is the local arm of Agenda 21, with 600 member cities nationwide, over 20% in California; and another 600 outside the U.S. Think globally, act locally. These are the boots on the ground in our cities, counties and towns of all sizes fighting for Agenda 21. This is where they need to win to wrap up their plans, and this is where we can fight back.
We the people are like frogs in warm water, slowly being brought to a boil. The sinister plan is now so apparent that it has gotten our attention, and we frogs are swishing around furiously trying to jump out and turn off the flame!
If Agenda 21 rings true to you and the puzzle pieces are beginning to fit, contact us at [email protected] to help win back our great country and our liberties. More and more people are getting educated, exposing the truth, using the Internet, forming groups and fighting back. There are more of us than them! It will take each of us who understands what’s happening to defeat them. Rebbet, rebbet…
Judi Caler lives in Nevada City and founded AnimalSave; she’s been a citizen lobbyist, a headhunter and a business owner.
Editor's Note: It was only a few short years ago that Nevada County's former progressive majority Board of Supervisors were trying to implement the UN's Agenda 21 vis-à-vis Natural Heritage 2020 (NH2020) land-use plan process. Unfortunately it was just shelved but not killed. And, Yuba County's recently adopted General Plan is also a reflection of Agenda 21. We hope residents demand it goes to the voters before being implemented. Stay informed and vigilant.