By David Higgins
Let me start off by saying that I’m a young republican and have always supported small government and more freedoms for the people. I never really wanted to get involved in politics like so many young people of my generation. I have always been of the mindset that my parents would take care of things for me as far as politics go.
Some years ago it started to upset me that more of my money that I made was going to the government and not in my pocket so I could spend it on myself and boost the economy. It still didn’t hit me. Then I started a family and it really sank in… my parents generation is slowing dying. There are more of us and less of them. So I started to ask myself what are some things that really effect everyday life that we have to have to work and operate in America? DMV… it seems to be the underground life blood of our society you can’t work without a Drivers license and you can’t drive your car unless it passes smog and you pay your fees.
So my plight started in 2005 when Arnold sat idle by and let our DMV fee’s sore up 80% and us Californian’s were so upset he heard our cry and promised a solution that would make everyone happy. Well he did keep most of that promise. He signed a bill that reversed the 80% fee hike… with his right hand and with his left hand signed a bill that would REMOVE the 30 year smog exempt rule. And he froze the 30 year car rule at 1975 so we are stuck with lower DMV fees and no 30 year smog exempt rule. Or are we?
NO! Arnold took advantage of us again and set in motion me getting involved and making my voice heard! Arnold told us that we would need to pay 80% fee hike at DMV to help the state balance the budget. Has it worked? Well in my opinion NO it has not. We still don’t have the 30 year smog exempt rule we were promised. We as Californian’s need to speak up and more importantly we as American’s need to stand up and take back this country from the Big brother Government that is stealing money from the next generation to fund their out of control spending.
Let me start off by saying that I’m a young republican and have always supported small government and more freedoms for the people. I never really wanted to get involved in politics like so many young people of my generation. I have always been of the mindset that my parents would take care of things for me as far as politics go.
Some years ago it started to upset me that more of my money that I made was going to the government and not in my pocket so I could spend it on myself and boost the economy. It still didn’t hit me. Then I started a family and it really sank in… my parents generation is slowing dying. There are more of us and less of them. So I started to ask myself what are some things that really effect everyday life that we have to have to work and operate in America? DMV… it seems to be the underground life blood of our society you can’t work without a Drivers license and you can’t drive your car unless it passes smog and you pay your fees.
So my plight started in 2005 when Arnold sat idle by and let our DMV fee’s sore up 80% and us Californian’s were so upset he heard our cry and promised a solution that would make everyone happy. Well he did keep most of that promise. He signed a bill that reversed the 80% fee hike… with his right hand and with his left hand signed a bill that would REMOVE the 30 year smog exempt rule. And he froze the 30 year car rule at 1975 so we are stuck with lower DMV fees and no 30 year smog exempt rule. Or are we?
NO! Arnold took advantage of us again and set in motion me getting involved and making my voice heard! Arnold told us that we would need to pay 80% fee hike at DMV to help the state balance the budget. Has it worked? Well in my opinion NO it has not. We still don’t have the 30 year smog exempt rule we were promised. We as Californian’s need to speak up and more importantly we as American’s need to stand up and take back this country from the Big brother Government that is stealing money from the next generation to fund their out of control spending.
David Higgins is a young conservative, a new parent and is seeking election to the Nevada County Republican Central Committee in 2010.