The California Air Resources Board aka "CARB" ( is an agency created in 1967 and is under the California Environmental Protection Agency which reports directly to the Governor's Office in the Executive Branch of California State Government. It is located in a high-rise building at 1001 I Street, Sacramento, CA.
According to CARB it's Mission is:
CARB has 1,176 employees. According to a study that included data compiled and extracted from the Sacramento Bee "State Employee Salary Database" in August 2009, the average CARB employee salary was over $85,000 per year, with nearly 35% of the CARB employees making $90,000 or more per year with the average salary being $78,458.66. And of the 1,176 employees 388 held the Job Title of "Air Pollution Specialist".
CARB's annual budget is $800,000,000.
For many, many years CARB has based it's rules and regulations as to how California businesses will operate and how Californian's will live day-to-day based on the "notions and theories" of Global Warming and Climate Change. Recent events have occurred involving the University of East Anglia (UEA in Great Britain) admitting the throwing away much of the raw temperature data on which their predictions of global warming are based. It means that other academics are not able to check basic calculations said to show a long-term rise in temperature over the past 150 years. It appears that the Global Warming/Climate Change "news" has been nothing but "hype" and "alarmism". Regardless, the CARB, which has not been voted in by taxpayer's, continues to enforce rules and make regulations upon us despite the hoax.
CARB is making rules and regulations effecting every California business, job and family.... CARB is an agency that was not elected or voted in but yet it controls California's citizens, life, jobs, productivity and economy.
Time to Unplug CARB!!!
Contact your California Assemblyman and Senator and say so and then go to
• California Air Resources Board
• Sacramento Bee “State Employee Salary Database” (Extracted 8/5/09)
According to CARB it's Mission is:
To promote and protect public health, welfare and ecological resources through the effective and efficient reduction of air pollutants while recognizing and considering the effects on the economy of the state.
And, also according to CARB the Major Goals of the Board are to:
• Provide Safe, Clean Air to All CaliforniansThe Air Resources Board (Board) consists of 11 members appointed by the Governor with the consent of the Senate. All members serve "at the pleasure" of the Governor. The Board members serve part time, except the Chairperson, who serves full time. Five members must be chosen from the boards of local air quality management districts and half of the appointees are suppose to be experts in professional and science fields such as medicine, chemistry, physics, meteorology, engineering business, and law. The Board meets monthly, in various locations of the state.
• Protect the Public from Exposure to Toxic Air Contaminants
• Reduce California's emission of greenhouse gases
• Provide Leadership in Implementing and Enforcing Air Pollution Control Rules and Regulations
• Provide Innovative Approaches for Complying with Air Pollution Rules and Regulations
• Base Decisions on Best Possible Scientific and Economic Information
• Provide Quality Customer Service to All ARB Clients.
CARB has 1,176 employees. According to a study that included data compiled and extracted from the Sacramento Bee "State Employee Salary Database" in August 2009, the average CARB employee salary was over $85,000 per year, with nearly 35% of the CARB employees making $90,000 or more per year with the average salary being $78,458.66. And of the 1,176 employees 388 held the Job Title of "Air Pollution Specialist".
CARB's annual budget is $800,000,000.
For many, many years CARB has based it's rules and regulations as to how California businesses will operate and how Californian's will live day-to-day based on the "notions and theories" of Global Warming and Climate Change. Recent events have occurred involving the University of East Anglia (UEA in Great Britain) admitting the throwing away much of the raw temperature data on which their predictions of global warming are based. It means that other academics are not able to check basic calculations said to show a long-term rise in temperature over the past 150 years. It appears that the Global Warming/Climate Change "news" has been nothing but "hype" and "alarmism". Regardless, the CARB, which has not been voted in by taxpayer's, continues to enforce rules and make regulations upon us despite the hoax.
CARB is making rules and regulations effecting every California business, job and family.... CARB is an agency that was not elected or voted in but yet it controls California's citizens, life, jobs, productivity and economy.
Time to Unplug CARB!!!
Contact your California Assemblyman and Senator and say so and then go to
• California Air Resources Board
• Sacramento Bee “State Employee Salary Database” (Extracted 8/5/09)