1. What are one or two specific critical issues in our community and how do you plan to address them?
Transportation and wastewater infrastructure needs are significant in Nevada County. I would work with the affected local jurisdictions to find solutions to such issues as the widening of Highway 49, the Dorsey Drive interchange project, and the wastewater needs in such places as Lake of the Pines and Cascade Shores.
I am also very concerned about the growing methamphetamine problem in this area. As a member of the Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy and Human Resources, I was a foot soldier in the war on drugs, authoring legislation to fight the growing epidemic of methamphetamines. I would continue those efforts once elected to Congress.
2. What steps will you take to decrease the size of government?
As a member of Congress, I voted for one of the largest tax cuts in American history. As chairman of a House Government Reform Committee, I was among those who spearheaded the Government Waste and Corrections Act which was aimed at stopping wasteful federal spending that was costing taxpayers $30 billion annually. In addition, I sponsored legislation opposing automatic pay raises for members of Congress, and requiring members of Congress to forfeit their pay for every day the federal budget was late.
I support the Republican leadership’s earmark reform plan to bring greater accountability and transparency to a budgetary system that currently rewards wasteful spending and abuse. I also support a line-item veto for the President.
3. Do you think human-caused global warming is a true and/or significant problem?
While global warming is a subject of both political and scientific debate, I think Congress should focus on market-based strategies and incentives that develop long term investments in advanced energy technology. Doing so will create an economic environment that will spur innovation and result in more efficient energy use, without the need for additional taxes or burdensome regulations.
4. Do you endorse or oppose Proposition 98, the California Property Owners and Farmland Protection Act?
I was very disappointed with the U.S. Supreme Court’s Kelo v. New London decision that sanctioned government’s ability to profit by forcibly seizing homes, businesses, family farms, and places of worship from unwilling sellers to benefit the politically connected. This is why I not only support Proposition 98, but serve as its Statewide Finance Chairman. I am currently working very closely with the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association to ensure its passage.
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